2018-  The Few, The Chosen, The Many   48x60  Acrylic, wax pastels, oil and parachute rope on canvas
2019-  I Dreamt Of Liberation   48x60  Acrylic, soft pastels, graphite and house paint on canvas
2021-  Fish Feeder   36x48  Ink, graphite, acrylic on canvas
2021-  Fin   36x48  Ink, acrylic, graphite on canvas
2017-  What’s Up Buttercup  41x54.  Mixed media collage on panel
2022-  Lost Leader- The Betrayal of Ideals.  48x60.   Acrylic, soft pastels, ink on canvas
2021-  The Gift. Revised.  48x60.   Acrylic on canvas
2022-  Cavalcade.  72x48.   Acrylic, soft pastels and ink on canvas
2021-  Trove. 48x90.  Compressed charcoal, graphite, soft pastels, and oil stick on raw canvas, stretched over panel
2021-  Saving Frosty.  48x60.  Acrylic on canvas
2024-  Tap.  48x60.  Cardboard, ceramic tile, nails, acrylic, outdated dictionary pages, glue, oil stick and ink on canvas.
2024-  Feeling My Way.   36x36.  Acrylic on canvas
2021-  Pink Triangle.  24x30.  Canvas, acrylic on canvas.
2022-  Truce.  30x40.  Acrylic, tempera. felt letters, paper on canvas.
2021-  Still Life With Chilis.  60x48.  Acrylic, ink on canvas
2021-  Still Life With Plums.  36x36.   Acrylic and ink on canvas
2021-  Still Life With Banana.  36x36.   Acrylic and ink on canvas
2021-  Imaginary Still Life.   48x24.  Acrylic and ink on canvas
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